Perfect Lasagna Soup – Lasagna in a soup at it’s best! The soup that will impress your family and friends every single time!
Author:All Fit Recipes
Prep Time::15
Cook Time::35
Total Time::50
Method:Stove Top
3 large Tomatoes
2 Onions
3 Garlic cloves
1 tbsp Dried Basil
10 Basil Leaves
5 tbsp Olive Oil
4 pre cooked Lasagna Noodles
6cups boiling Water
1 1/2lb ground Pork Meat
2 Buffalo Mozzarellas
Pinch of Salt and Black pepper
Start by emerging your lasagna noodles under 2 cups of boiling water for 10 minutes
On a medium pot add 3 tbsp olive oil, salt, pepper, dried basil, sliced onions and chopped tomatoes, mix and cook for 10 minutes, add your remaining water and bring it to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes.
While the tomatoes are simmering, add the remaining olive oil, chopped onions and thinly minced garlic cloves to a frying pan, cook for 3 minutes until onion is soft and add your meat, cook for 7 to 9 minutes until meat is cooked.
Place a portion of meat on a lasagna sheet, add pieces of shredded buffalo mozzarella and a couple of fresh basil leaves, roll your lasagna noodle and cut it diagonally in half 5. With your hand blender purée your tomatoes.